Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Conceptual Music

My role in The Green Sky is quite simple yet complex. Although I write my riffs and lyrics, there is more to it. I like writing songs that deal with real issues, not saying I write the woes of the world in a song, but I like writing about things that are relative to most people who can grasp the same feelings as I do. Don't get me wrong, I don't condemn artists whose lyricism is meaningless, I would just rather have a meaning in a song. People still try to find a meaning in songs that the artist did not even intend on having a meaning. The topics that I incorporate into my writing depend on how I am feeling at the moment. I mainly write about social issues, not so much as social hierarchy, or poverty but about human beings and their roles in society. Other topics I write about include, but are not limited to, the concept of thought and how it affects everyday life, as well as free will and how far people are willing to go to prove that they do have it. Overall, I just want to spread a message through my lyrics buried beneath the vocals and instruments in a song. It feels great to dig deep and discover what the artist is trying to deliver to the listener through conceptual music.

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